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OpenStreetMap Globe

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Default Controls:

left Left mouse button: pick location and pan around
right Right mouse button or wheel: zoom in and out, rotate around picked location
both Both mouse buttons or center button: stay at current position and look around
minus Minus key: slower navigation
plus Plus key: faster navigation

Note for Mac OS X Users: hold alt key to emulate right mouse button. Press and hold mouse button to open the popup menu.


W3DS Server status: status


Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf  

Dipl. Inf. Nicolas Billen  

Content created by Arne Schilling et al.

2011 University of Heidelberg, Department of Geography, GIScience


Terms of Use: SRTM height data used for the terrain was provided by CGIAR. The XNavigator client software is open source and has been published under GPL 2. It is hosted on Sourceforge. Server software is maintained by GIScience, Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg. If you want to customize and embed the client applet into your own page, please get in contact with us and provide a backlink to